How to participate
The Fashion Inspired Furniture
Celebrating the Fusion of These Two Dynamic Realms
In an era where design seamlessly intertwines with lifestyle and self-expression, the intersection of fashion and furniture design opens boundless possibilities for creativity. The “Fashion Inspired Furniture” competition celebrates the fusion of these two dynamic realms, inviting designers to explore the parallels, contrasts, and synergies between fashion trends and furniture aesthetics.
Step into a world where fashion and furniture converge, in this captivating challenge, participants are encouraged to celebrate the fusion of style and functionality, crafting furniture pieces that resonate with the vibrancy and dynamism of contemporary fashion trends.
Open to all Malaysian and foreigners residing, working, or studying in Malaysia with authorised permits, aged 40 and below.
First Prize | RM 5,000 + Trophy + Certificate
Second Prize | RM 3,000 + Trophy + Certificate
Third Prize | RM 2,000 + Trophy + Certificate
Finalists: Certificate
Best Mentor Award: RM2,000 + Certificate
Best Institution Award: Certificate
Judging Criteria
Creativity (40 marks)
Concept and Creativity (20%):
- Idea or invention and its implementation
- Imaginative and original design
Artistic (10%):
- Artistic design elements
Technology and Material Usage (10%)
- Integration of technology into design
- Practicality of material application
Functionality (30 marks)
Ergonomics (10%):
• Consideration of health, comfort and efficiency factors
Safety (10%):
• Free of dangerous substance and health/ injury risk
Sustainability (10%):
• Use of sustainable materials and environment-friendly
Marketability (10 marks)
• Commercial viability in terms of market acceptance
Visual Impact (10 marks)
• Appearance, composition and aesthetic design
Presentation (10 marks)
• Quality of artwork, quality of mock-up unit
• The ability to present the idea
Submission Requirements
Participants are required to submit the following:
Presentation slides
- Unleash your creativity in 8 pages
- Presentation Format: landscape slides in 1920 x 1080 pixels (JPEG or Power Point), for individual pages
- Dimensional drawings must be in millimetre
Note: you will only need to submit either an 8-page Power Point slide or 8-individual page JPEG for your presentation.
Page 1: 3D overall view (taken from the best angle) of the design
Page &3: Design Concept
– Concept influencing the design
– Singularity of the furniture piece (Why it is unique and special)
– Potential use and market appealPage 4: Top view and elevations from all 4 sides (with exact dimensions)
Page 5: Drawing/3D views with texts explaining the functions of furniture parts
Pages 6&7: Any other 3D views & technical details (materials, construction techniques etc)
Page 8: Drawing of the application of the furniture piece in an interior space.
Rules & Regulations
- All download links for design entry should be made shareable.
- Only newly created and unpublished entries will be accepted.
- Submission under a group of designers will not be accepted.
- Entries that contravene intellectual or industrial property rights will be disqualified. Participants will be liable for claims by third parties resulting from the contravention. The Organiser shall not be held responsible for any contravention.
- Shortlisted participants from the Preliminary Judging will be notified on 18 December 2024. They are required to present their design ideas to the panel of judges at the Final Round Judging on 10 January 2025. Absentees will be automatically disqualified.
- Finalists need to give a commitment and time to enhance the design further (if requires) for the Design Showcase during the Malaysian International Furniture Fair 2025.
- The judges’ decision is final. No correspondence will be entertained.
- Finalists’ designs will be showcased during the Malaysian International Furniture Fair 2025, 1-4 March.
- The Organiser encourages all participants to produce original design for the entry(s). The Organiser will not be held responsible in the event of participants’ design concept being copied by any third party(s) during or after the competition and exhibition period.
- The Organiser will not be responsible for enforcing any intellectual property rights on behalf of the participants, should the participants wish to apply for any form of legal protection to protect their designs from being copied or unauthorised used, participants should seek guidance or advice from a qualified legal professionals.
- The Organiser reserves the right to publicise any submitted entry.
- The Organiser reserves the right to make any changes to the Award without any prior notice.
- Any changes pertaining to the competition i.e. venue, date, time, terms and conditions or cancellation will be announced at MIFF FDC official website
Panel of Judges

Dr Eric Leong
Chief Judge

Timber Expert

Tul Lekutai
Principal, Co-Founder
Deco Moda Studio

Walter Tan
Managing Director
Elemental Republic

Xiao Jia
Associate Editor
Furniture & Interior Design

Mitsuki Shinichi
Executive Creative Director
Mitsui Designtec Co Ltd

Malaysia/ China
Philip Yap
CDN-Worldwide Limited
MIFF FDC 2025 Finalists Design Artwork Showcase
Date: 1 – 4 March 2025
Venue: Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Centre (MITEC)
MIFF Awards Ceremony
Date: 3 March 2025
Venue: Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Centre (MITEC)